Writing a Statement of Facts in an Appellate or Trial-Court Brief

Take a look at this article I wrote for Ohio Lawyer magazine—fresh off the presses—on the importance of the “Statement of Facts” in appellate briefs and major trial-court briefs. Ohio Lawyer is the Ohio State Bar Association’s flagship publication. Whether in a trial court, a court of appeals, a state supreme court, or the U.S.…

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Ohio Supreme Court 2019 Follow-Up: Energy & Media

In my last post, I linked to my article for Crain’s Cleveland Business discussing some of the Ohio Supreme Court’s business-related decisions of 2019. I said then that I’d add blog posts discussing the remaining 2019 business cases that didn’t make the cut for that article. This post starts to make good on that commitment.…

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Ohio Supreme Court Year-in-Review

Late last month, I had the privilege of writing an article for Crain’s Cleveland Business reviewing the Ohio Supreme Court’s top 2019 business-law decisions. You can read the complete article here. I plan to discuss the Ohio Supreme Court business decisions from 2019 that did not make it into my Crain’s article here on the…

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